Terms and conditions

1. The copyright of SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL on the information published on the website

2. The products and services offered by
SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL on the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro, price policy

3. Payment of products

4. Delivery of products

5. Product warranty

6. Information about the RETURN of purchased products

7. Quality of hosting services, links to other sites, operating errors

8. Privacy policy

9. Final Provisions

Using this site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions below. We recommend reading these carefully.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL assumes the right to modify these provisions without further notice. The latest version can be found by accessing this page, called "Terms and conditions".

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL guarantees the user limited access, in personal interest (making online orders, information), to the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro and does not grant him the right to download or modify the website partially or fully, to partially or fully reproduce the site, to copy, sell/resell or exploit the site in any other way, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL without its prior written consent.

The right to create a web link - link - to www.DeluxeSpa.ro is limited, non-exclusive and revocable, and is granted as long as it does not cause any disadvantages for SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL or any of our partners, only after obtaining in writing or by email of our agreement.

1. The copyright of SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL on the information published on the website

The entire content of the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro - images, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphic elements, emails, scripts, programs and other data - is the property of SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL and its suppliers and is protected by the Copyright Protection Law (law no. 8/1996) and the laws regarding intellectual and industrial property. The use without the consent of SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL of any elements listed above is punishable according to the legislation in force. The use of the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro is allowed only within the limits mentioned in this document.

2. The products and services offered by SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL on the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro, price policy

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL reserves the right to select its clients. Products sold through www.DeluxeSpa.ro they are new, in the original packaging of the manufacturer and at the time of delivery are accompanied by the fiscal invoice and warranty certificate, according to the legislation in force. The products and services are offered in compliance with the provisions of this document and within the limits of the available stock. For this reason , SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL assumes the right not to honor a certain order if the respective product is no longer available in the importer's current offer.
The prices are updated daily, depending on the BNR exchange rate. The prices shown include all taxes, but do not include delivery costs, unless expressly specified on the website. The purchase price printed on the invoice will be the same as that established by the sales consultant www.DeluxeSpa.ro at the time of confirming the order as a firm order, or, in the case of orders with online payment directly by credit card, this price will be the one published on the website at the time of purchase.

Despite our efforts, a small number of products may have wrong prices on the website, erroneously set by our IT application. Under these conditions, the final price accepted by the customer during the discussions with the www.DeluxeSpa.ro sales consultants is always considered. If the actual price of the product is higher than the price displayed on the website, our sales consultants are entitled to satisfy your request to deliver the product to you at the price published on the website, only to the extent that we will be able to do so, as well as you you are entitled to refuse the respective order. If the real price is lower than the price published on the website, and you have paid the price in advance, the difference will be returned as mutually agreed upon, but no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the product .

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL does not offer any guarantee, expressly or implicitly, regarding including, but not limited to, the operation of this site, the information, the correctness of the descriptions, the updating of the content, the products on the site as well as their suitability for a certain purpose. The users expressly agree that the use of this site and the purchase of related products or services is done at their own risk, the only exception representing the obligation of SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL to grant users the right to unilaterally terminate the contract according to the legislation in force, a detailed right more down in this document. The images published on the site are for example, and the delivered products may differ from the images presented in any way (color, accessories, appearance, etc.).

The content of www.DeluxeSpa.ro (texts, product descriptions, technical characteristics, images, symbols) is compiled in collaboration with the representatives of the respective manufacturers in our country. For this reason, SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL does not assume responsibility for the descriptions and specifications of the products displayed on the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro , these being made available to us by the representatives of each brand, or by the importers approved by them. SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL and its partners reserve the right to modify the technical specifications of the products without prior notification.

3. Payment of products

Payment for the products ordered from the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro can be made in full in advance. Advance payment can be made by payment order. only after a consultant sends you the fiscal invoice/proforma by email. Proof of payment must be sent to www.DeluxeSpa.ro to the e-mail address office@deluxespa.ro . In the case of advance payment, the delivery will be made only after the money has entered the account RO69 PIRB 4217 7622 3000 1000 . The ordered products must be paid in full, otherwise the delivery will not be made. SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL reserves the right to request payment of products in advance in certain cases.

4 . Delivery of products
The products are delivered anywhere in the country (Romania), through fast courier companies or private transport.

The DELIVERY TIME of the products is between 5 and 10 working days for the products in stock, and for the "made to order" products the delivery time is approximately 60 days. To see how long it takes for a product to reach you, check the delivery time on the respective product page. We do NOT make deliveries through the Romanian Post. SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL reserves the right to confirm orders before honoring them by contacting customers.

Delivery costs are:

- FREE for orders whose value exceeds 200 RON or for those picked up in person;

CAREFUL! - DO NOT come to pick up products from the addresses on the CONTACT page without first talking to a store representative. The addresses from CONTACT are ONLY the address of the HEADQUARTERS and CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS , it is NOT a delivery point!

If the customer is not found at the mentioned address, he will be contacted by phone by the courier company.

The receipt of the products represents the customer's acceptance that the products have arrived in good condition. The invoice constitutes the sale/purchase contract according to the Romanian legislation in force. The customer expresses his explicit agreement when signing the invoice regarding the fact that he has received the product(s) that is (are) in accordance with the order and his needs.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL reserves the right to delay or cancel deliveries of ordered products if they cannot be honored for reasons independent of SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL which include: fires, explosions, floods, epidemics, strikes, government actions, wars, acts of terrorism, protests, riots, civil disturbances or other force majeure impediments according to the Romanian law.

The maximum amount of damages that can be paid by
SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL to any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery is the amount collected by SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL from this customer.

5. Product warranty

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL offers warranty certificates for the products sold, these being sent together with the tax invoice and the ordered products. The warranty conditions are in accordance with Law 449/2003 and OG 21/1992. When requesting the warranty, it is necessary to present the defective product in the original packaging, together with the related accessories, a copy of the tax invoice and the original warranty certificate. If the products arrive unaccompanied by these documents, the products can be returned to the applicant / sender without voiding the warranty.

6. Information about the RETURN of purchased products

The client can unilaterally terminate the contract with SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL without citing a reason, within 14 working days (cf. Ord. 130/2000 supplemented by Law 51/2003 regarding the legal regime of distance contracts, only in writing and can return the product(s) within the same period of 14 days.

Thus, the products bought on the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro can be returned according to the law, within 14 working days from their receipt by courier.

Before returning the product, it is mandatory to announce by phone or email ( contact@deluxespa.ro ) the intention to return a product.

The product will be returned only if it is in perfect condition, unused, scratched, etc., in the original packaging, with the related accessories. ATTENTION - returned products must be repackaged.

Likewise, products with physical changes, bumps, chips, scratches, shocks, etc., are NOT accepted for return. Products must be returned by express courier. We do NOT accept returns via the Romanian Post! Parcels will NOT be picked up from the Post Office. The return of the products will be made exclusively at the customer's expense.

The products can be returned without citing any reason, within the legal term.

The returned product must be accompanied by a copy of the invoice and warranty certificate printed and sent in the package.

IMPORTANT!!! Products delivered on the basis of a special order and/or customized at the customer's request are NOT accepted for return.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL will refund the value of the products within 30 days from the date of receipt of the return. The refunded amount does not include shipping costs.

7. Quality of hosting services, links to other sites, operating errors

Website www.DeluxeSpa.ro it is hosted by the servers of a third company. SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL will not be held responsible for any errors that may appear on the site, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, including changes to the site, settings, or updates of programmed scripts.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL cannot be held responsible for errors that occur due to the use of certain browsers for visiting the www.DeluxeSpa.ro website.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of the sites that are reached through links from the www.DeluxeSpa.ro site. For the respective sites, full responsibility is borne by the owners of the sites in question.

8. Privacy policy

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data hosted and transmitted through its computer system. This information may be used by www.DeluxeSpa.ro to send the user order confirmation, various special offers, promotions, etc. only with the prior consent of the client. Provision of personal data to www.DeluxeSpa.ro it does not involve obligations on the part of the users and they can refuse to provide this data in any circumstances and can request their deletion from the database free of charge. Any such request/notification in order to delete them from the database, will be dated, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to contact@deluxespa.ro .

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL undertakes that personal data will not be disseminated to third parties with the exception of the direct marketing operator. However, the personal data may be transmitted to the legal authorities to verify commercial transactions or to other legal authorities to carry out any checks justified by law, if this is requested in accordance with the laws in force.

Due to the way in which the personal data stored by the www.DeluxeSpa.ro system are transmitted electronically, SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL cannot be held responsible in any way for their loss or copying of information by unauthorized persons, through the use of interception equipment or software. Upon notification by users, SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL will take all measures and provide all necessary files to the competent bodies empowered to solve this type of crime.

The information provided to www.DeluxeSpa.ro are used only for the purpose for which they were introduced (making orders, sending messages to www.DeluxeSpa.ro staff, etc.), according to the laws in force. SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL does not provide your e-mail address to third parties, does not encourage spam, and does not make public the data provided by its clients without their explicit consent.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL certifies that it will respect the rights conferred by Law no. 677/2001 regarding the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, of Law no. 365/2002 regarding electronic commerce, as well as Ordinance no. 130/2000 regarding consumer protection when concluding and executing distance contracts with subsequent amendments. These rights include (the list is not exhaustive):

1. the right to demand SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL to confirm the processing or not of your personal data, free of charge;
2. the right to ask SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL to rectify, update, block or delete, free of charge, those data provided whose processing is not in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001;
3. the right to ask SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL to stop, free of charge, the processing of your personal data;
4. the right to ask SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL to stop sending promotional messages.

Any such request/notification will be given, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to contact@deluxespa.ro . www.DeluxeSpa.ro uses security measures against the loss, alteration or misuse of information under our control.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL cannot be held responsible for errors caused by the user's negligence regarding the security and confidentiality of his account and password.

SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL cannot be held responsible in any way for the loss or alteration of personal data stored by www.DeluxeSpa.ro for the purpose specified in this document.

Any access to the database with personal information of www.DeluxeSpa.ro users , including any unauthorized access attempt, will be recorded in an access file. The access files will make it possible for SC ALYMAR POWER BUSINESS SRL to identify the persons who have accessed personal data without a legitimate reason, in order to notify the competent bodies. Any attempt to access the personal data of another user, to modify the content of the website or to affect the performance of the server on which the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro runs, will be considered an attempt to defraud the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro .US and will initiate the criminal investigation against the one or those who initiated this action.

9. Final Provisions

Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on www.DeluxeSpa.ro and which is not already dealt with by any article in this document, will be resolved amicably within 30 working days from the date of written notification of the problems by the user.

In the event that the conflict was not resolved amicably, the competence rests with the Romanian courts or an alternative dispute resolution body agreed by both parties. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the website www.DeluxeSpa.ro , the client fully assumes the consequences arising from the use of the site under these conditions.